Adverting Rates for The Maryland Surveyor - a digital bi-monthly newsletter
More than 600 members read The Maryland Surveyor
. Advertising in the magazine is a great way to reach that audience! The Maryland Surveyor
is an online publication that is published bi-monthly.
* Submission Deadlines: First day of the month of the issue(s) selected
* Preferred Formats: Ads may be provided in black/white or color; please send layout-ready copy (compatible electronic files include .eps or .pdf files with all fonts and graphics embedded). All ads must be digital. Please send ads via email to Khea Adams at
* All advertisements are non-refundable
* If purchasing an Annual ad, you can change your ad monthly.
* Sustaining members receive a 20% discount
Ad Size
Width |
Height |
One Issue
Full Page
7.5 in. |
10 in.
$400 |
$3,000 |
Half Page |
7.5 in. |
4.75 in.
Half Page |
3.5 in.
10 in.
Quarter Page |
3.5 in.
4.75 in.
Business Card |
3.5 in.
2.0 in.
Advertising Rates for the Maryland Society of Surveyors Website
* Website banner ad will be posted for 30 days
* Payment is due immediately upon receipt of the invoice. Advertisements will not run unless payment is received in advance
* Ads must be digital in jpeg format. Send ad via email to Khea Adams at
* All advertisements are non-refundable
Ad Size
Width |
Height |
30 Days
Home Page Banner
1,000 pixles
320 pixels
$500 |